
2nd International conference organized by the Metaphysical Explanation Group. This conferences focuses on issues related to:  (1) the choice between what is sometimes called unionism (i.e., the view that grounding is explanatory per se) and separatism (the view that grounding and explanation are distinct) and (2) the analogy (given separatism) between grounding/metaphysical explanation and causation causal explanation.

Speakers include Ricki Bliss (Lehigh University), Einar Duenger Bohn (University of Agder), Daniel Giberman (University of Texas at Arlington), Lina Jansson (University of Nottingham), David Kovacs (Tel Aviv University), Elanor Taylor (Johns Hopkins University) and Kelly Trogdon (Virginia Tech).

Each presentation is followed by a short comment. Commentators: Andrew Brenner, Anna-Sofia Maurin, Jonathan Shaheen, Alexander Skiles, Robin Stenwall, Naomi Thompson, Nathan Wildman.

The conference is funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Vetenskapsrådet, and Wilhelm och Maria Lundgrens fond.